Dentro da comunidade de entusiastas da música progressiva, é inevitável que o novo álbum do Big Big Train, intitulado The Like of Us, se torne uma das peças mais comentadas de 2024, dado todo o contexto que o envolve. Vale mencionar que o álbum anterior, Welcome to the Planet, apesar de ter sido lançado de forma póstuma a morte do vocalista David Longdon, falecido em 20 de novembro de 2021, obviamente, foi gravado enquanto ele ainda fazia parte da banda, acrescentando uma dimensão única à sua recepção e apreciação.
A relevância de Longdon no Big Big Train tornou-se evidente desde o seu disco de estreia com o grupo, The Underfall Yard. O músico deixou claro que sua presença na banda não se limitava apenas à função de vocalista, sendo um verdadeiro multi-instrumentista e compositor de mão cheia. Através de sua voz distintamente rouca, Longdon conferiu uma alma notável à música da banda, especialmente em projetos centrados em narrativas e histórias.
Quando Alberto Bravin foi revelado como o novo vocalista da banda, trazendo consigo sua experiência prévia como vocalista da Premiata Forneria Marconi, a transição não implicou simplesmente em entrar em estúdio para gravar o próximo álbum. Era essencial submeter-se a uma prova de fogo, avaliando a aceitação do público em apresentações ao vivo com Bravin na formação e perceber a extensão do acolhimento que ele receberia - ou não. A resposta positiva e maciça dos fãs, muito provavelmente, desempenhou um papel crucial em proporcionar à banda a confiança necessária para trabalhar de forma mais tranquila em novos materiais. A aceitação calorosa do público não apenas validou a escolha de Bravin como o novo vocalista, mas também contribuiu para um ambiente propício à criação de novas músicas, permitindo que a banda explorasse novas direções com uma base sólida de apoio dos seus seguidores.
Há uma semelhança marcante entre a entrada de Bravin na banda e a chegada de Longdon no que diz respeito ao papel ativo que ambos assumiram. Assim como Longdon, Bravin não expressou o desejo de ser apenas um intérprete em sua estreia, ele contribuiu significativamente para a composição, tendo seu nome associado a cinco das oito faixas do álbum. Além disso, Bravin desempenhou um papel adicional ao co-mixar o disco, trabalhando ao lado do engenheiro Rob Aubrey, um colaborador de longa data da banda. Essa participação proativa de Bravin na criação do álbum não apenas destaca sua versatilidade como músico, mas também solidifica sua posição como um membro integral e envolvido na dinâmica criativa do Big Big Train. Sua contribuição não se limita apenas à interpretação vocal, mas se estende à elaboração musical e à produção, demonstrando um compromisso sólido com o processo artístico do grupo.
Greg Spawton revelou como foi o seu primeiro contato com Bravin: Eu entrei em contato com Alberto puramente como vocalista, não como compositor ou amigo, mas ele se tornou todas essas coisas. Eu sempre preciso de alguém para trocar ideias, e pela segunda vez em minha vida, depois de David, tenho outro companheiro musical. Encontrar Alberto, que respeita as tradições da banda, mas também traz suas próprias ideias e energia incrível, foi um milagre. Sou incrivelmente abençoado.
Bravin, por sua vez, adiciona: Eu não tinha ideia se os caras estariam interessados nas outras coisas que eu sentia que era capaz de fazer, mas felizmente, eles estavam, e tudo progrediu de maneira tão natural. Assim como Greg, eu também procurei um parceiro musical durante toda a minha vida. Tenho orgulho dos dois álbuns que fiz com a Premiata Forneria Marconi, mas nunca tive a oportunidade de fazer algo assim. Juntamente com esse grupo extraordinário de pessoas, acredito que fizemos um belo álbum.
Spawton ainda revela que inicialmente chegou a ficar em dúvida se continuaria ou não com a banda: Inicialmente, não estava certo se continuar após o falecimento de Longdon era a coisa certa a se fazer, embora David e eu nos conhecêssemos tão bem que realmente tivemos uma conversa durante a qual ele me disse que, caso algo acontecesse com ele, a banda deveria continuar. O Big Big Train foi uma grande parte da vida musical de David e era o desejo dele que as músicas que ele escreveu continuassem sendo ouvidas. Nunca esqueceremos David, pois é óbvio que ele é uma grande parte da nossa história.
Atualmente o Big Big Train conta em sua formação com, Greg Spawton (baixo, violão de 12 cordas e Mellotron), Alberto Bravin (Vocais principais, violão, piano, teclados e arranjo de metais), - Nick D'Virgilio (bateria e percussão, vocais, violão de 12 cordas, vibrafone e arranjos de metais), Rikard Sjöblom (guitarra, órgão, teclados e vocais), Dave Foster (guitarra e vocais, ), Clare Lindley (violino, vocais e arranjo de cordas) e Oskar Holldorff (piano, órgão, sintetizadores, teclados, vocais e arranjos de corda).
"Light Left In The Day" é a peça de abertura do álbum. Mesmo sendo quase 100% instrumental, ainda possui letras o suficiente para transmitir uma mensagem que inspira coragem e um senso de perseverança, além de resistência diante de desafios ou dificuldades. Começa por meio de uma sonoridade serena, mas que não demora muito até que mude de direção, entregando a partir disso, uma instrumentação mais pesada e sinfônica que é fortalecida com algumas pinceladas de metais. Se existia ainda alguma chispa que seja de desconfiança em relação ao que a banda entregaria depois de passar por um período tão turbulento, digo com felicidade no coração, o Big Big Train segue firme com toda a sua essência e apogeu. "Oblivion" foi o primeiro single lançado pela banda. Talvez a ideia de primeiro single tenha surgido pelo fato dela soar, de certa forma, familiar. É uma peça de rock até mesmo direta, mas ainda assim, possui guitarras dinâmicas e ao mesmo tempo complexas e seção rítmica precisa, enquanto isso, os vocais de Bravin ecoam um tipo de entrega que é fundamental para que as músicas do Big Big Train funcionem como tem que ser.
"Beneath the Masts", com mais de 17 minutos é o épico do álbum. Logo em seus primeiros segundos é possível perceber que estamos diante de uma peça que segue os moldes clássicos da banda e vai crescendo de forma gradual, não havendo necessariamente alguém que se destaque – embora o trabalho de Clare Lindley no violino impressione em alguns pontos -, mas sim, um grupo de músicos sem vaidade e que se preocupam em soar brilhantemente enquanto conjunto. Devo destacar também a entrega de Bravin com sua performance maravilhosa em uma faixa que é explorado temas como jornada da vida, transição, despedida e reflexão sobre o tempo que passou. "Skates On" não soa impressionante como as anteriores, algo que é inclusive muito bom, pois deixa o ouvinte recuperar o fôlego. Inicialmente, tem uma leveza acústica e depois se desenvolve dentro de uma harmonia requintada. A mensagem deixada aqui é positiva, de incentivo a valorização da vida e a busca por momentos significativos, além da superação de desafios e a apreciação do presente.
"Miramare", como o nome sugere, a banda faz uma alusão ao castelo de mesmo nome situado na cidade de Trieste (cidade de Bravin). Aqui, Bravin mais uma vez destaca-se como um intérprete excepcional e adorável com sua habilidade singular. Enquanto isso, a banda demonstra virtuosidade instrumental, entregando um desempenho primoroso. Tirando o solo de excelência e envolvente de violino – e outro de guitarra que soa mais veemente - a banda novamente – ou como costuma fazer na maioria das vezes - troca um testemunho voltado para habilidades individuais por um direcionamento onde todo o grupo se destaca dentro de passagens instrumentais cheias de energia e sofisticação. Em meio a isso, a música conta com um enredo que aborda aborda viagem, separação, desafios, despedidas e sacrifício.
"Love Is The Light" é uma balada lindíssima, com certeza uma das melhores de todo o catálogo do grupo. A banda explora temas como luta, perseverança e a redescoberta do amor por meio de vocais que soam profundos, enquanto que instrumentalmente o destaque fica com os belos floreios de violino e o solo de guitarra, que dentro de sua simplicidade consegue entregar algo realmente emocional e que parece abraçar o ouvinte. Cada nota e acorde são como pinceladas cuidadosas, delineando um quadro sonoro que não só envolve os ouvidos, mas também toca a alma. Uma verdadeira mensagem de enfrentamento das adversidades, busca por amor e renovação, destacando que o amor pode ser uma fonte de luz e força – como o próprio título da música deixa claro.
"Bookmarks" é uma música que de forma muito emotiva, parece narrar uma jornada ao longo do tempo, cheia de lembranças, amizades duradouras e desafios. Quando os primeiros versos são cantados por Bravin é impossível não lembrar de Longdon. De clima pastoral, teclados, Mellotron e a voz desempenham papéis cruciais, revelando-se como elementos essenciais para a construção de uma atmosfera silenciosa, quase hipnótica. Conforme se desenvolve, cria-se na música uma aura melancólica e nostálgica, com vocais elegantes e bem harmonizados acompanhados por uma instrumentação bastante rica, destacando-se a graciosidade das guitarras e violino.
"Last Eleven" marca o final desta extraordinária jornada musical. Foi a primeira composição da banda após a triste partida de Longdon, originalmente destinada a ser parte de um álbum intitulado Shallow Enders, um projeto que por razões diversas não se concretizou. Possui uma alternância entre momentos graves e delicados, soando como uma espécie de reflexo das nuances da própria vida. A peça se destaca por meio dos seus desenvolvimentos melódicos intricados, incorporando mudanças de compasso e “curvas fechadas” inesperadas que enriquecem a experiência auditiva com diversas cadências e reviravoltas. A banda parece estar mandando um recado para eles mesmos, transmitindo uma mensagem motivacional sobre resiliência, encontrar força na união, superar adversidades e redefinir o próprio valor, ou seja, tudo que eles tiveram que fazer para continuar seguindo com a banda após a morte de Longdon.
Com maestria, o Big Big Train prossegue mantendo habilmente a tradição de explorar brilhantemente os cantos mais acessíveis da música progressiva. Um disco que se destaca como uma obra melódica magnífica, onde composições notavelmente elaboradas e uma execução coletiva de alta qualidade se abraçam para criar algo verdadeiramente grandioso. O comprometimento com a qualidade musical ressoa em cada nota, mostrando a capacidade do grupo de evoluir e manter sua relevância ao longo do tempo. The Like of Us soa como uma carta de amor em que o grupo honra o seu passado e dedica aos fãs de longa data, ao mesmo tempo em que se revela como uma estação de embarque convidativa para novos apreciadores, enquanto aponta para um futuro intenso e cheio de promessas.
================================Within the progressive music enthusiast community, it is inevitable that Big Big Train's new album, titled The Like of Us, will become one of the most talked-about releases of 2024, given all the context surrounding it. It’s worth mentioning that the previous album, Welcome to the Planet, although released posthumously after the death of lead singer David Longdon on November 20, 2021, was obviously recorded while he was still part of the band, adding a unique dimension to its reception and appreciation.
Longdon's relevance to Big Big Train became evident from his debut album with the group, The Underfall Yard. The musician made it clear that his role in the band was not limited to being just a vocalist but also included being a true multi-instrumentalist and a prolific songwriter. Through his distinctly raspy voice, Longdon imbued the band's music with a remarkable soul, especially in narrative and story-centered projects.
When Alberto Bravin was revealed as the new lead vocalist, bringing with him his previous experience as the vocalist of Premiata Forneria Marconi, the transition did not simply involve entering the studio to record the next album. It was essential to undergo a trial by fire, assessing the public's reception during live performances with Bravin in the lineup and gauging the extent of the welcome he would receive—or not. The overwhelmingly positive response from fans most likely played a crucial role in providing the band with the confidence needed to work more comfortably on new material. The warm acceptance from the audience not only validated Bravin's choice as the new vocalist but also contributed to a favorable environment for creating new music, allowing the band to explore new directions with a solid base of support from their followers.
There is a striking similarity between Bravin’s entry into the band and Longdon’s arrival regarding the active role both assumed. Like Longdon, Bravin did not express a desire to be merely a performer in his debut; he made significant contributions to songwriting, with his name associated with five of the album's eight tracks. Additionally, Bravin played a further role in co-mixing the album, working alongside longtime collaborator Rob Aubrey. Bravin’s proactive involvement in the album’s creation not only highlights his versatility as a musician but also solidifies his position as an integral and engaged member of Big Big Train's creative dynamic. His contribution extends beyond vocal performance to musical arrangement and production, demonstrating a strong commitment to the group's artistic process.
Greg Spawton revealed how his first contact with Bravin went: “I reached out to Alberto purely as a vocalist, not as a songwriter or friend, but he became all of those things. I always need someone to bounce ideas off of, and for the second time in my life, after David, I have another musical partner. Finding Alberto, who respects the band's traditions but also brings his own ideas and incredible energy, was a miracle. I feel incredibly blessed".
Bravin, in turn, adds: “I had no idea if the guys would be interested in the other things I felt I could do, but fortunately, they were, and everything progressed so naturally. Like Greg, I’ve also looked for a musical partner throughout my life. I’m proud of the two albums I did with Premiata Forneria Marconi, but I never had the chance to do something like this. Along with this extraordinary group of people, I believe we’ve made a beautiful album.”
Spawton also reveals that he initially had doubts about whether to continue with the band: “Initially, I wasn’t sure if continuing after Longdon’s death was the right thing to do, although David and I knew each other so well that we actually had a conversation where he told me that if something happened to him, the band should go on. Big Big Train was a big part of David’s musical life, and it was his wish for the music he wrote to continue being heard. We will never forget David, as he is obviously a huge part of our history.”
Currently, Big Big Train’s lineup includes Greg Spawton (bass, 12-string guitar, and Mellotron), Alberto Bravin (lead vocals, guitar, piano, keyboards, and brass arrangements), Nick D'Virgilio (drums and percussion, vocals, 12-string guitar, vibraphone, and brass arrangements), Rikard Sjöblom (guitar, organ, keyboards, and vocals), Dave Foster (guitar and vocals), Clare Lindley (violin, vocals, and string arrangements), and Oskar Holldorff (piano, organ, synthesizers, keyboards, vocals, and string arrangements).
“Light Left In The Day” is the opening track of the album. Despite being almost entirely instrumental, it still has enough lyrics to convey a message that inspires courage and a sense of perseverance, as well as resilience in the face of challenges or difficulties. It begins with a serene sound but soon changes direction, delivering a heavier and more symphonic instrumentation, enriched with some brass touches. If there was still any spark of doubt about what the band would deliver after going through such a turbulent period, I can happily say that Big Big Train remains true to its essence and grandeur. “Oblivion” was the first single released by the band. Perhaps the choice of first single was due to its somewhat familiar sound. It is a straightforward rock piece but still features dynamic and complex guitars and a precise rhythmic section, while Bravin’s vocals echo a delivery that is crucial for the band’s music to work as it should.
“Beneath the Masts,” over 17 minutes long, is the album’s epic. From its very first seconds, it is clear that we are facing a piece that follows the classic molds of the band and grows gradually, with no particular standout—though Clare Lindley’s work on the violin is impressive at times—but rather a group of musicians without vanity, who are concerned with sounding brilliant as a whole. Bravin’s delivery is also noteworthy with his wonderful performance on a track that explores themes such as the journey of life, transition, farewell, and reflection on the passage of time. “Skates On” doesn’t sound as impressive as the previous tracks, which is actually quite good as it allows the listener to catch their breath. Initially, it has an acoustic lightness and then develops into a refined harmony. The message here is positive, encouraging the appreciation of life and the pursuit of meaningful moments, as well as overcoming challenges and enjoying the present.
“Miramare,” as the name suggests, refers to the castle of the same name located in the city of Trieste (Bravin’s hometown). Here, Bravin once again stands out as an exceptional and charming performer with his unique ability. Meanwhile, the band demonstrates instrumental virtuosity, delivering a masterful performance. Aside from the excellent and engaging violin solo—and a more forceful guitar solo—the band again—or as they often do—opts for a focus on group dynamics within energetic and sophisticated instrumental passages. In the midst of this, the music features a narrative that addresses themes of travel, separation, challenges, farewells, and sacrifice.
“Love Is The Light” is a stunning ballad, definitely one of the best in the band’s entire catalog. The band explores themes of struggle, perseverance, and the rediscovery of love through deep-sounding vocals, while the highlights instrumentally are the beautiful violin flourishes and the guitar solo, which, within its simplicity, manages to deliver something truly emotional that seems to embrace the listener. Each note and chord are like careful brushstrokes, painting a sonic picture that not only captivates the ears but also touches the soul. A true message of facing adversity, seeking love, and renewal, emphasizing that love can be a source of light and strength—as the song’s title clearly indicates.
“Bookmarks” is a song that, in a very emotive way, seems to narrate a journey through time, full of memories, enduring friendships, and challenges. When the first verses are sung by Bravin, it’s impossible not to think of Longdon. With a pastoral ambiance, keyboards, Mellotron, and vocals play crucial roles, proving to be essential elements in creating a quiet, almost hypnotic atmosphere. As it develops, the music creates a melancholic and nostalgic aura, with elegant and well-harmonized vocals accompanied by a rich instrumentation, highlighting the gracefulness of the guitars and violin.
“Last Eleven” marks the end of this extraordinary musical journey. It was the band’s first composition after Longdon’s sad departure, originally intended to be part of an album called Shallow Enders, a project that, for various reasons, did not materialize. It features an alternation between solemn and delicate moments, sounding like a reflection of the nuances of life itself. The piece stands out through its intricate melodic developments, incorporating changes in tempo and unexpected “sharp turns” that enrich the listening experience with various cadences and twists. The band seems to be sending a message to themselves, conveying a motivational message about resilience, finding strength in unity, overcoming adversity, and redefining one’s value—that is, everything they had to do to keep the band going after Longdon’s death.
With mastery, Big Big Train continues to skillfully maintain the tradition of brilliantly exploring the accessible corners of progressive music. The album stands out as a magnificent melodic work, where notably elaborate compositions and high-quality collective execution come together to create something truly grand. The commitment to musical quality resonates in every note, showcasing the band’s ability to evolve and maintain their relevance over time. The Like of Us sounds like a love letter in which the band honors its past and dedicates it to long-time fans, while also serving as an inviting gateway for new listeners, pointing towards an intense and promising future.
NOTA: 10/10
Tracks Listing
1. Light Left in the Day (6:11)
2. Oblivion (5:28)
3. Beneath the Masts (17:26)
4. Skates On (4:28)
5. Miramare (10:18)
6. Love Is the Light (6:11)
7. Bookmarks (6:23)
8. Last Eleven (7:55)
Ouça, "Love Is the Light"
Within the progressive music enthusiast community, it is inevitable that Big Big Train's new album, titled The Like of Us, will become one of the most talked-about releases of 2024, given all the context surrounding it. It’s worth mentioning that the previous album, Welcome to the Planet, although released posthumously after the death of lead singer David Longdon on November 20, 2021, was obviously recorded while he was still part of the band, adding a unique dimension to its reception and appreciation.
Longdon's relevance to Big Big Train became evident from his debut album with the group, The Underfall Yard. The musician made it clear that his role in the band was not limited to being just a vocalist but also included being a true multi-instrumentalist and a prolific songwriter. Through his distinctly raspy voice, Longdon imbued the band's music with a remarkable soul, especially in narrative and story-centered projects.
When Alberto Bravin was revealed as the new lead vocalist, bringing with him his previous experience as the vocalist of Premiata Forneria Marconi, the transition did not simply involve entering the studio to record the next album. It was essential to undergo a trial by fire, assessing the public's reception during live performances with Bravin in the lineup and gauging the extent of the welcome he would receive—or not. The overwhelmingly positive response from fans most likely played a crucial role in providing the band with the confidence needed to work more comfortably on new material. The warm acceptance from the audience not only validated Bravin's choice as the new vocalist but also contributed to a favorable environment for creating new music, allowing the band to explore new directions with a solid base of support from their followers.
There is a striking similarity between Bravin’s entry into the band and Longdon’s arrival regarding the active role both assumed. Like Longdon, Bravin did not express a desire to be merely a performer in his debut; he made significant contributions to songwriting, with his name associated with five of the album's eight tracks. Additionally, Bravin played a further role in co-mixing the album, working alongside longtime collaborator Rob Aubrey. Bravin’s proactive involvement in the album’s creation not only highlights his versatility as a musician but also solidifies his position as an integral and engaged member of Big Big Train's creative dynamic. His contribution extends beyond vocal performance to musical arrangement and production, demonstrating a strong commitment to the group's artistic process.
Greg Spawton revealed how his first contact with Bravin went: “I reached out to Alberto purely as a vocalist, not as a songwriter or friend, but he became all of those things. I always need someone to bounce ideas off of, and for the second time in my life, after David, I have another musical partner. Finding Alberto, who respects the band's traditions but also brings his own ideas and incredible energy, was a miracle. I feel incredibly blessed".
Bravin, in turn, adds: “I had no idea if the guys would be interested in the other things I felt I could do, but fortunately, they were, and everything progressed so naturally. Like Greg, I’ve also looked for a musical partner throughout my life. I’m proud of the two albums I did with Premiata Forneria Marconi, but I never had the chance to do something like this. Along with this extraordinary group of people, I believe we’ve made a beautiful album.”
Spawton also reveals that he initially had doubts about whether to continue with the band: “Initially, I wasn’t sure if continuing after Longdon’s death was the right thing to do, although David and I knew each other so well that we actually had a conversation where he told me that if something happened to him, the band should go on. Big Big Train was a big part of David’s musical life, and it was his wish for the music he wrote to continue being heard. We will never forget David, as he is obviously a huge part of our history.”
Currently, Big Big Train’s lineup includes Greg Spawton (bass, 12-string guitar, and Mellotron), Alberto Bravin (lead vocals, guitar, piano, keyboards, and brass arrangements), Nick D'Virgilio (drums and percussion, vocals, 12-string guitar, vibraphone, and brass arrangements), Rikard Sjöblom (guitar, organ, keyboards, and vocals), Dave Foster (guitar and vocals), Clare Lindley (violin, vocals, and string arrangements), and Oskar Holldorff (piano, organ, synthesizers, keyboards, vocals, and string arrangements).
“Light Left In The Day” is the opening track of the album. Despite being almost entirely instrumental, it still has enough lyrics to convey a message that inspires courage and a sense of perseverance, as well as resilience in the face of challenges or difficulties. It begins with a serene sound but soon changes direction, delivering a heavier and more symphonic instrumentation, enriched with some brass touches. If there was still any spark of doubt about what the band would deliver after going through such a turbulent period, I can happily say that Big Big Train remains true to its essence and grandeur. “Oblivion” was the first single released by the band. Perhaps the choice of first single was due to its somewhat familiar sound. It is a straightforward rock piece but still features dynamic and complex guitars and a precise rhythmic section, while Bravin’s vocals echo a delivery that is crucial for the band’s music to work as it should.
“Beneath the Masts,” over 17 minutes long, is the album’s epic. From its very first seconds, it is clear that we are facing a piece that follows the classic molds of the band and grows gradually, with no particular standout—though Clare Lindley’s work on the violin is impressive at times—but rather a group of musicians without vanity, who are concerned with sounding brilliant as a whole. Bravin’s delivery is also noteworthy with his wonderful performance on a track that explores themes such as the journey of life, transition, farewell, and reflection on the passage of time. “Skates On” doesn’t sound as impressive as the previous tracks, which is actually quite good as it allows the listener to catch their breath. Initially, it has an acoustic lightness and then develops into a refined harmony. The message here is positive, encouraging the appreciation of life and the pursuit of meaningful moments, as well as overcoming challenges and enjoying the present.
“Miramare,” as the name suggests, refers to the castle of the same name located in the city of Trieste (Bravin’s hometown). Here, Bravin once again stands out as an exceptional and charming performer with his unique ability. Meanwhile, the band demonstrates instrumental virtuosity, delivering a masterful performance. Aside from the excellent and engaging violin solo—and a more forceful guitar solo—the band again—or as they often do—opts for a focus on group dynamics within energetic and sophisticated instrumental passages. In the midst of this, the music features a narrative that addresses themes of travel, separation, challenges, farewells, and sacrifice.
“Love Is The Light” is a stunning ballad, definitely one of the best in the band’s entire catalog. The band explores themes of struggle, perseverance, and the rediscovery of love through deep-sounding vocals, while the highlights instrumentally are the beautiful violin flourishes and the guitar solo, which, within its simplicity, manages to deliver something truly emotional that seems to embrace the listener. Each note and chord are like careful brushstrokes, painting a sonic picture that not only captivates the ears but also touches the soul. A true message of facing adversity, seeking love, and renewal, emphasizing that love can be a source of light and strength—as the song’s title clearly indicates.
“Bookmarks” is a song that, in a very emotive way, seems to narrate a journey through time, full of memories, enduring friendships, and challenges. When the first verses are sung by Bravin, it’s impossible not to think of Longdon. With a pastoral ambiance, keyboards, Mellotron, and vocals play crucial roles, proving to be essential elements in creating a quiet, almost hypnotic atmosphere. As it develops, the music creates a melancholic and nostalgic aura, with elegant and well-harmonized vocals accompanied by a rich instrumentation, highlighting the gracefulness of the guitars and violin.
“Last Eleven” marks the end of this extraordinary musical journey. It was the band’s first composition after Longdon’s sad departure, originally intended to be part of an album called Shallow Enders, a project that, for various reasons, did not materialize. It features an alternation between solemn and delicate moments, sounding like a reflection of the nuances of life itself. The piece stands out through its intricate melodic developments, incorporating changes in tempo and unexpected “sharp turns” that enrich the listening experience with various cadences and twists. The band seems to be sending a message to themselves, conveying a motivational message about resilience, finding strength in unity, overcoming adversity, and redefining one’s value—that is, everything they had to do to keep the band going after Longdon’s death.
With mastery, Big Big Train continues to skillfully maintain the tradition of brilliantly exploring the accessible corners of progressive music. The album stands out as a magnificent melodic work, where notably elaborate compositions and high-quality collective execution come together to create something truly grand. The commitment to musical quality resonates in every note, showcasing the band’s ability to evolve and maintain their relevance over time. The Like of Us sounds like a love letter in which the band honors its past and dedicates it to long-time fans, while also serving as an inviting gateway for new listeners, pointing towards an intense and promising future.
NOTA: 10/10
Tracks Listing
1. Light Left in the Day (6:11)
2. Oblivion (5:28)
3. Beneath the Masts (17:26)
4. Skates On (4:28)
5. Miramare (10:18)
6. Love Is the Light (6:11)
7. Bookmarks (6:23)
8. Last Eleven (7:55)
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