Dialeto é uma banda brasileira de rock progressivo formada em São Paulo em 1987. Com uma sonoridade que mescla elementos do rock progressivo clássico com influências da música folclórica da Europa Oriental – embora nesse disco isso basicamente tenha ficado de fora -, a banda costuma entregar músicas sofisticadas e atmosféricas em uma abordagem que é marcada por longas passagens instrumentais que exploram a técnica dos membros da banda. O grupo foi fundado por Nelson Coelho (guitarra), Andrei Ivanovic (baixo) e Miguel Angel (bateria), e ao longo dos anos teve diversas mudanças em sua formação. Atualmente conta com Nelson Coelho (guitarras e instrumentos digitais), Gabriel Costa (baixo) e Fred Barley (bateria).
Nelson Coelho foi duramente atingido pelo vírus Covid-19 no início da pandemia. Logo nos primeiros dias, ele apresentou sintomas graves que levaram à sua hospitalização inicial. Sua condição de saúde piorou rapidamente, exigindo várias transferências para diferentes hospitais em busca de cuidados mais especializados. Durante o período em que esteve intubado, Coelho experimentou delírios contínuos - daí o nome do álbum -, alternando entre momentos de lucidez e longos lapsos de consciência. Essas alucinações e confusões mentais tornaram o processo ainda mais angustiante, tanto para ele quanto para seus familiares e amigos.
O guitarrista é o principal compositor da banda e sua intenção com o álbum foi documentar sua jornada pessoal ao longo de toda essa provação. A música serviu como um meio de expressão e um canal para processar as experiências traumáticas vividas. Pandelirium não é apenas um registro artístico, mas também uma narrativa – ainda que 100% instrumental - de resiliência e superação.
"The Long Way" é uma faixa que começa bastante atmosférica e com texturas etéreas que cria uma sensação de vastidão e exploração cósmica. Conforme a música avança, há uma mudança gradual na sua dinâmica. Elementos mais densos começam a emergir, adicionando uma intensidade crescente. Esta transição é habilmente orquestrada, mantendo a coesão da faixa enquanto ela evolui até explodir em um clímax atingido por meio de uma instrumentação vigorosa. "The Great Geodesic Hall", desde o início a faixa utiliza uma combinação de tons graves e arranjos minimalistas para criar uma atmosfera tensa e enigmática. As linhas de baixo profundas e os acordes dissonantes estabelecem um clima de mistério. Já próximo da sua parte final, a peça se transforma em um fusion arrebatador. A transição é marcada por uma mudança súbita de ritmo e dinâmica, onde os elementos de rock e jazz se fundem em uma exibição vibrante de virtuosismo.
"The Long Way Back" é uma faixa a princípio sonolenta – mas não de forma pejorativa. Desde o início, a música estabelece uma atmosfera relaxante que proporciona um espaço sonoro acolhedor e introspectivo. O baixo conduz a composição com um ritmo constante e tranquilo, enquanto que a guitarra não apenas acrescenta profundidade emocional à faixa, mas também ecoa os sentimentos de tristeza e esperança que acompanham o processo de cura em que o Nelson esteve envolvido. Ainda há espaço para alguns ataques instrumentais tempestuosos diante da bonança instalada. "Waiting For Numbers" é uma música que exemplifica a habilidade da Dialeto em criar contrastes surpreendentes que se conectam de forma coesa. Elementos metálicos e jazzísticos se complementam criando uma experiência auditiva dinâmica e multifacetada. Essa alternância entre a agressividade e suavidade consegue manter a faixa envolvente enquanto suas transições são feitas com enorme precisão, mantendo sempre muita fluidez.
"Back Home" é a faixa que finaliza o disco, simbolizando a volta para casa após as dificuldades impostas pelo Covid-19. Como o nome sugere, a música representa a culminação de uma jornada árdua e a sensação de alívio e celebração ao retornar ao lar. A faixa possui um arranjo suave que transmite a sensação de calma e recuperação gradual. Elementos de jazz rock são introduzidos de forma sutil, com linhas de baixo relaxadas e linhas de guitarra que evocam um sentimento de introspecção e reflexão. Conforme a música avança, ela começa a ganhar força, adicionando gradualmente camadas de complexidade e energia.
Pandelirium entrega uma musicalidade bastante valiosa. A capacidade da banda em interagir e complementar uns aos outros enquanto cada músico traz sua própria perspectiva e estilo para o conjunto é algo notável. Essa soma de partes distintas resulta em uma experiência musical abrangente, onde cada elemento contribui para a riqueza e a complexidade da música como um todo. No fim, um verdadeiro triunfo artístico e uma homenagem às capacidades transformadoras da música.
================================Dialeto is a Brazilian progressive rock band formed in São Paulo in 1987. With a sound that blends elements of classic progressive rock with influences from Eastern European folk music—although this aspect is largely absent on this album—the band consistently delivers sophisticated and atmospheric music characterized by long instrumental passages that showcase the technical prowess of its members. The group was founded by Nelson Coelho (guitar), Andrei Ivanovic (bass), and Miguel Angel (drums), and has undergone several lineup changes over the years. The current lineup includes Nelson Coelho (guitars and digital instruments), Gabriel Costa (bass), and Fred Barley (drums).
Nelson Coelho was severely affected by the COVID-19 virus at the beginning of the pandemic. In the early days, he exhibited severe symptoms that led to his initial hospitalization. His condition quickly worsened, necessitating multiple transfers to different hospitals in search of more specialized care. During the period he was intubated, Coelho experienced continuous delusions—hence the album's name—alternating between moments of lucidity and long lapses in consciousness. These hallucinations and mental confusions made the process even more distressing for both him and his family and friends.
The guitarist is the band's main composer, and his intention with this album was to document his personal journey throughout this ordeal. Music served as a means of expression and a channel to process the traumatic experiences he endured. Pandelirium is not just an artistic record but also a narrative—albeit 100% instrumental—of resilience and overcoming adversity.
"The Long Way" is a track that begins quite atmospherically, with ethereal textures that create a sense of vastness and cosmic exploration. As the music progresses, there is a gradual shift in dynamics. Denser elements start to emerge, adding a growing intensity. This transition is skillfully orchestrated, maintaining the track's cohesion as it evolves and ultimately explodes into a climax achieved through vigorous instrumentation. "The Great Geodesic Hall" uses a combination of deep tones and minimalist arrangements right from the start to create a tense and enigmatic atmosphere. The deep bass lines and dissonant chords establish a mysterious mood. Near the end, the piece transforms into a striking fusion. The transition is marked by a sudden change in rhythm and dynamics, where rock and jazz elements merge into a vibrant display of virtuosity.
"The Long Way Back" is initially a somnolent track—but not in a pejorative sense. From the outset, the music establishes a relaxing atmosphere that provides a welcoming and introspective soundscape. The bass leads the composition with a steady and calm rhythm, while the guitar adds emotional depth to the track, echoing the feelings of sadness and hope that accompanied Nelson's healing process. There is still room for some stormy instrumental attacks amid the established calm. "Waiting For Numbers" exemplifies Dialeto's ability to create surprising contrasts that connect cohesively. Metallic and jazz elements complement each other, creating a dynamic and multifaceted listening experience. This alternation between aggression and softness keeps the track engaging, with transitions executed with great precision, always maintaining fluidity.
"Back Home" is the track that closes the album, symbolizing the return home after the hardships imposed by COVID-19. As the name suggests, the music represents the culmination of a hard journey and the feeling of relief and celebration upon returning home. The track has a soft arrangement that conveys a sense of calm and gradual recovery. Jazz-rock elements are subtly introduced, with relaxed bass lines and guitar lines that evoke a sense of introspection and reflection. As the music progresses, it begins to gain strength, gradually adding layers of complexity and energy.
Pandelirium delivers a highly valuable musicality. The band's ability to interact and complement each other while each musician brings their own perspective and style to the ensemble is remarkable. This sum of distinct parts results in a comprehensive musical experience, where each element contributes to the richness and complexity of the music as a whole. In the end, it is a true artistic triumph and a tribute to the transformative power of music.
NOTA: 7/10
Tracks Listing
1. The Long Way (8:41)
2. The Great Geodesic Hall (6:26)
3. The Long Way Back (8:31)
4. Waiting for Numbers (8:03)
5. Back Home (6:32)
Ouça, "Waiting for Numbers"
Dialeto is a Brazilian progressive rock band formed in São Paulo in 1987. With a sound that blends elements of classic progressive rock with influences from Eastern European folk music—although this aspect is largely absent on this album—the band consistently delivers sophisticated and atmospheric music characterized by long instrumental passages that showcase the technical prowess of its members. The group was founded by Nelson Coelho (guitar), Andrei Ivanovic (bass), and Miguel Angel (drums), and has undergone several lineup changes over the years. The current lineup includes Nelson Coelho (guitars and digital instruments), Gabriel Costa (bass), and Fred Barley (drums).
Nelson Coelho was severely affected by the COVID-19 virus at the beginning of the pandemic. In the early days, he exhibited severe symptoms that led to his initial hospitalization. His condition quickly worsened, necessitating multiple transfers to different hospitals in search of more specialized care. During the period he was intubated, Coelho experienced continuous delusions—hence the album's name—alternating between moments of lucidity and long lapses in consciousness. These hallucinations and mental confusions made the process even more distressing for both him and his family and friends.
The guitarist is the band's main composer, and his intention with this album was to document his personal journey throughout this ordeal. Music served as a means of expression and a channel to process the traumatic experiences he endured. Pandelirium is not just an artistic record but also a narrative—albeit 100% instrumental—of resilience and overcoming adversity.
"The Long Way" is a track that begins quite atmospherically, with ethereal textures that create a sense of vastness and cosmic exploration. As the music progresses, there is a gradual shift in dynamics. Denser elements start to emerge, adding a growing intensity. This transition is skillfully orchestrated, maintaining the track's cohesion as it evolves and ultimately explodes into a climax achieved through vigorous instrumentation. "The Great Geodesic Hall" uses a combination of deep tones and minimalist arrangements right from the start to create a tense and enigmatic atmosphere. The deep bass lines and dissonant chords establish a mysterious mood. Near the end, the piece transforms into a striking fusion. The transition is marked by a sudden change in rhythm and dynamics, where rock and jazz elements merge into a vibrant display of virtuosity.
"The Long Way Back" is initially a somnolent track—but not in a pejorative sense. From the outset, the music establishes a relaxing atmosphere that provides a welcoming and introspective soundscape. The bass leads the composition with a steady and calm rhythm, while the guitar adds emotional depth to the track, echoing the feelings of sadness and hope that accompanied Nelson's healing process. There is still room for some stormy instrumental attacks amid the established calm. "Waiting For Numbers" exemplifies Dialeto's ability to create surprising contrasts that connect cohesively. Metallic and jazz elements complement each other, creating a dynamic and multifaceted listening experience. This alternation between aggression and softness keeps the track engaging, with transitions executed with great precision, always maintaining fluidity.
"Back Home" is the track that closes the album, symbolizing the return home after the hardships imposed by COVID-19. As the name suggests, the music represents the culmination of a hard journey and the feeling of relief and celebration upon returning home. The track has a soft arrangement that conveys a sense of calm and gradual recovery. Jazz-rock elements are subtly introduced, with relaxed bass lines and guitar lines that evoke a sense of introspection and reflection. As the music progresses, it begins to gain strength, gradually adding layers of complexity and energy.
Pandelirium delivers a highly valuable musicality. The band's ability to interact and complement each other while each musician brings their own perspective and style to the ensemble is remarkable. This sum of distinct parts results in a comprehensive musical experience, where each element contributes to the richness and complexity of the music as a whole. In the end, it is a true artistic triumph and a tribute to the transformative power of music.
NOTA: 7/10
Tracks Listing
1. The Long Way (8:41)
2. The Great Geodesic Hall (6:26)
3. The Long Way Back (8:31)
4. Waiting for Numbers (8:03)
5. Back Home (6:32)
Ouça, "Waiting for Numbers"
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